Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCentral AsiaTajikistan’s Fallen Hero: Ruslan Abutrobov

Tajikistan’s Fallen Hero: Ruslan Abutrobov

You are not Forgotten.

Berlin, Brussels (2/5 – 40)

The Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region (GBAO) is the largest region in Tajikistan in terms of area, but the least populated in terms of population. In May and June 2022, there were deadly outcomes after President Emomali Rahmon’s regime quelled the scene of protests.

According to his relatives, Ruslan Abutrobov was arrested from his home in Roshan, Vamar village on May 18 and taken to the police station. Ruslan’s relatives said, “He did not participate in demonstrations and was not a member of any group.” He never returned alive.

Ruslan spent every day with livestock and working the land. He had a simple life. On the day of the incident, he did not attend to the herd and was at home. “The police entered the house and took Ruslan with them. After a few hours, his mother found his body,” said one of his relatives who did not want to be named. The injuries were too graphic to explain according to a friend of the family.

Ruslan Abutrobov

1992 – 2022

Ruslan´s killers are still at large. The regime headed by Alisher Mirzanabatov, who is the current Governor of GBAO and former head of the region police and a close ally of the President Rahmon´s son, Rustam Rahmon, have not explained this crime against humanity.

Ruslan was reported died at the age of 30.


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