Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEconomyAlgeria Plans Clean Energy Projects for Electricity Exports to Europe

Algeria Plans Clean Energy Projects for Electricity Exports to Europe

OPEC oil producer Algeria is planning to build solar energy and gas-operated power plants for exporting electricity to some European countries, the country’s Energy Minister was quoted on Wednesday as saying. 

Mohammed Arkab said the studies are being carried out in collaboration with “European partners” to execute those projects. 

He was quoted by the Arabic language daily Elkbabar and other Algerian publications as saying that the electricity from such projects would be transmitted by undersea cables. Arkab said Algeria is well placed to export electricity to Europe given its massive gas deposits and power production, which he estimated at nearly 25,000 megawatts (MW).

“We are currently undertaking studies and arrangements with Algeria’s partners in Europe to ensure the success of these projects,” Arkab said. 

He did not elaborate on such projects apart from saying they involve solar energy facilities and gas-operated power plants. 

He added: “These projects will produce clean energy, which will be exported by sea to our European partners.” 

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